2011-2012 The Home Stretch

Men’s platform tennis is at an all-time high as far as level of athleticism, shot making ability, and speed of play – few would argue that. Without a doubt, there are a few “special players” but everyone else’s level ranges from good to very good. Even players whom I have never heard of are at least good. That was not the case ten years ago. They used to hold the “Players’ Party” on Fridays (the day before the tournament) and many of those attending would “let it rain” big time if you catch my drift. They would play the next day under a severe hangover but guess what!? They couldn’t lose before the quarters or semis even while still drunk – some of the stories are legendary! But I digress. Platform tennis players have always been split into two distinct groups: players who win tournaments and the rest. With the Nationals fast approaching in mid March on Long Island, I will handicap the field by splitting the contenders into three groups instead of two.

The first tier is comprised of teams that have won tournaments this season. Winning tournaments breeds confidence and there is nothing more important than that going into the biggest tournament of the year. Those teams are, in order of their ranking: Mark Parsons and Mike Stulac (no tournament wins but three finals at the Charities, Sound Shore, and Boston; that’s right, no tournament wins together but they kind of counterbalance that by being the defending National Champions and the number 1 ranked team in the country so shush), Drew Broderick and Chris Gambino (Charities winners), Johan duRandt and Matt Porter (Sound Shore and Boston winners) and Mike Marino and Dane Schmidgall (Milwaukee, Hinsdale, and Midwesterns winners). These four teams have been the best teams in the country so far this season and, IF everyone stays healthy, all deserve to be in the semis of the Nationals. I have always believed that once you reach the semis, it becomes anyone’s tournament. I do not think however that all four teams will make it to the semis. I think three will but not all four. Which team of the four will not make it I have no idea – I just don’t think all four will. I think one of the four teams from the second tier below will sneak in for that fourth semifinal spot.

The second tier is made up of teams who have had pretty good results throughout the season but nevertheless fell short of their own expectations. Their results have been good but not great which has put a dent in their confidence. None of them have won a major tournament and only one has made a final. Those teams are: Arraya and yours truly (semis at the Charities, Midwesterns, and Short Hills), Steve DeRose and Jon Lubow (quarters at the Charities, semis in Boston), Peter Berka and Drew Eberly (semis at the Charities), and Scott Estes and Brian Uihlein (quarters at the Charities, and final at the Midwesterns). Any of these four teams can beat any of the teams in the first tier but am not sure they can beat two of those teams and another from their own tier on back to back to back matches – which is what you will need to do in order to win the Nationals.

I will add a third tier because I feel I have to. The teams in this third tier feature great to legendary players, some of the best the game has ever seen. Their results however have been dismal and their confidence is shot – there is no confidence, actually. I am talking about Flip Goodspeed and Scott Mansager (final at the weak Hinsdale tournament), David Caldwell and Blake Cordish (a quarter final at the Charities and that’s pretty much it), and Dan Rothschild and John Schmitt (quarters at Long Island and Short Hills). In looking at these names, how can you discount any of them!? They can beat anyone by any score. Will they though!? I am not sure but I am certainly not willing to discount them.

Let me be clear on something – I have separated teams by level of confidence and not by playing ability. I mean, is Parsons a better player than Caldwell!? Is Marino better than Uihlein!? Is Stulac more feared than Estes!? Does Schmidgall have anything on Arraya!? What about Porter on Eberly!? Is Broderick more talented than DeRose!? Is anyone better than Goodspeed!? I have no idea but am sure you get my point.

One of these eleven teams will win the 2012 Nationals – probably the deepest field of legitimate contenders ever. There is not another team that can win it. I cannot even put Mike Cochrane in the mix. For all his undeniable on-court greatness, Cocky does not have a partner for the Nationals as this goes to print. I really do not think he will make it to the latter rounds of the Nationals (quarters on) with a random partner although I stopped being surprised by him a long time ago – the guy is unbelievable! If he gets hot (as he always seems to when it counts) he could win it with Howard Sipe.
Good luck to all and see everyone on Long Island!

By Alex Bancila



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