Lunch to Launch

It began with lunch. Two friends at Hajime-Sushi in Harrison, New York, were talking about one of their favorite sports. Nothing unusual in that, right? But then one of them floated the idea of starting a website for like-minded enthusiasts. The other looked up from his Toku-Jo and said, “Let’s do it.” was born…

That was nearly a year ago. Since then, has become THE website to visit for all things platform tennis. We feature articles written by the sport’s most knowledgeable players and followers, video tips from our pros, and full coverage of all major paddle tournaments and events—all with the goal of promoting the sport and helping players at all levels improve their game. We even have the most recognizable names in the sport—Mark Parson, Alex Bancila, and Johan duRandt—sharing their knowledge, tips, and opinions through instructional articles, editorials, and videos.

The response has far exceeded our expectations. More and more people participate in our monthly raffles of platform tennis gear. Our latest, for example, highlights our new partnership with PT Pro Ball. is now the exclusive distributor of the PT Pro Ball and PT Pro warm-weather ball—perfect for paddle all-year long. Our new line of dri-fit and cotton shirts with the logo is also apparently a hit. Check out our Facebook Page (search for for the numerous photos of “PaddlePlayer Sightings”—and send in your own!

Along the way, we’ve caught the attention of some truly world-class organizations. In addition to PT Pro, we’ve been extremely fortunate to have the support and sponsorship of Kettle One Vodka from Diageo Brands, Fairfield Country Day School, and the New York Palace Hotel—to name just a few. We are also extremely grateful for the amazing work provided by our website designer, JBaker Webdesign. Her dedication and patience have been instrumental in helping us create not only an informational site, but one that is visually exciting. We are awed by and grateful for this support on both the local and national level.

So what started over sushi has turned into an enterprise—one that we’re committed to growing and improving. Our goal is to become the platform tennis world’s leading source of information, products, and services. In the coming months, visitors to our site will see more editorial and video pieces geared toward preparation and training for the upcoming season, and which teams to watch. We will also continue to expand on our paddle profiles of how and why everyday players, current pros, and even former top professional tennis players became involved in the sport.

We invite you to join us on this fun and informative journey. Visit our website and register to receive the most up-to-date information and e-blasts. Head on over to Facebook, “like” our page, and send in your photos for PaddlePlayer shirt sightings. Above all else, let us know what you’d like to see more of, less of, or in addition to what’s already being covered. Like the sport itself, needs a team to win. We hope you’ll join ours. See you on the courts!

Maurice Sanchez CO-Founder / Managing Partner
Paddle Player LLC



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